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Want to set up R&D facilities in France?
Contact us

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If you would like information on how to finance your innovative project, to find out whether it is eligible for public aid or private financing, or to find out about our services, we will be happy to contact you as soon as possible.

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Let's meet

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Auvalie Innovation headquater | 32 rue Berjon, 69009 Lyon, France
Office in Grenoble | 29 ch. du Vieux Chêne, Bât. Tarmac, 38240 Meylan, France
Grand Ouest – Paris Ile de France office | 35000 Rennes, France
Office in Orléans | 15 rue de la Cossonnière, 45650 Saint Jean le Blanc, France
Office in Biarritz | 45 avenue du président JF Kennedy, 64200 Biarritz, France