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Legal notice
and privacy policy

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Site ownership

This site, auvalie.com, is the property of Auvalie Innovation, a French Société par Actions Simplifiée with a capital of 123,000 € registered in Lyon under the number 537 490 906, the head office of which is at 32 rue Berjon – 69009 Lyon – Tél : 04 81 07 38 90.
Mr. Frédéric Grévaud, CEO.

Site content

The content of the site comprises its general structure and the items that form part of it : texts, images regardless of whether they are animated, sound and multimedia elements. Any total or partial representation of this site and its content, by any processes whatsoever, without the prior express permission of Auvalie innovation, is forbidden and would constitute an infringement punished by articles L335-2 and the following articles of the Intellectual Property Code.

The images and texts on the site are not contractual in any way.


The trademarks and logos of Auvalie Innovation shown on the site are registered trademarks and logos. Any total or partial use of these trademarks and logos without the express permission of Auvalie Innovation is forbidden.

Data protection policy

Auvalie innovation pays particularly attention to concerned by the data privacy issues. Whether this involves management of the financial aspects of client files or follow up or new prospects, the company strives to build on both quality and trust in its relationship with clients.

Auvalie Innovation collects and processes your personal data (name, first name, postal address, in voicing address and e-mail address) to manage both, billing and collection of outstanding payments, and to monitor the relationship with its clients and prospect electronically, particularly through the sending of newsletters and legal watches.

The users of the auvalie.com must comply with the provisions of the data protection act, the breach of which incurs criminal penalties. Any information on the site, in particular personal information, must not be collected and misused, and more generally, no action may be taken that could breach the privacy or adversely affect the reputation of individuals referred to. Offenders run the risk of criminal sanctions pursuant to the provisions of section V of the new Code of Criminal Law entitled “offences against the rights of persons arising from computer files or data processing” and chapter III entitled “offences against automatic data processing systems”.

These data are necessary for the satisfactory management of files and clients and are intended for the authorized services of Auvalie Innovation.

This site has been the object of a declaration made to the CNIL pursuant to Act N° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on computers, files and freedom of information.

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) n° 2016/679 on data privacy, and as of May 25, 2018, individuals have a right of access, rectification, deletion, and opposition to the processing of their personal data.

They also benefit from a right to the portability of their data.To exercice this right, a person can send a request to : moncontact@auvalie.com or by post to the Marketing Director 32 rue Berjon, 69 009 Lyon, subject to justifying his/her identity.

The data collected in the context of prospecting are stored for a period of three years from the date of the last contact with Auvalie Innovation.

Hosting of the site

The site www.auvalie.com is hosted by OVH, immatriculée au RCS de Lille Métropole sous le numéro 424 761 419, dont le siège social est 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX (FRANCE), Tél : 09 72 10 10 07.

Hypertext links

The hypertext links set up within this website pointing towards other resources present on the Internet, shall not result in Auvalie Innovation being liable in any way. You have the possibility of setting up a hypertext link between your site and auvalie.com by displaying our site in a new window. The auvalie.com site may not be integrated into the navigation of external websites.
You are advice to consult their general conditions of use. The creation of a hypertext link toward auvalie.com requires the prior express agreement of Auvalie Innovation.

Conception and Developpement

Agence Vingt Deux – Director : Damien Henriquès – Tel. : 04 44 05 00 22


Images, multimédia : https://unsplash.com

Photographies :

Team portraits Auvalie Innovation : Mathieu Seuru

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